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The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) was established under the Biosafety Act No. 2 of 2009. This authority is mandated to exercise general supervision and control over the transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The University appointed a committee of experts in this area to champion biotechnology and biosafety related activities in the University.

Below is the list of the committee.

  1. Prof. S.K. Mining – Director, Research

  2. Dr. J. Otwelo – School of Public Health

  3. Mr. T. Tepeny – School of Biological & Physical Sciences

  4. Mr. J. Ngetich – School of Engineering

  5. Mr. J. Chepkwony – School of Dentistry

  6. Mr. A. Nkonge – School of Public Health

  7. Mr. D. Alliang’ana – School of Medicine

  8. Mr. A.M. Nyakoni – Projects Office

  9. Mr. J. Misoi – Directorate of ICT

  10. Mr. A.S. Mbayaki – Technology Transfer, DVC A, R&E

  11. Ms. E. Kandie – RA, Directorate of Research

  12. Ms. S. Matum – RA, Directorate of Research

  13. Ms. B. Koskei – RA, Directorate of Research

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This checklist does not lead to a score of the laboratory. It is merely meant as a tool to help in the process of upgrading safety and laboratory facility. It helps in identifying elements that need to be improved. It is important that the laboratories comply with the appropriate safety and facility requirements. It is however important that the laboratory perceives safety as a high priority element of quality. Performing the assessment is the responsibility of the biosafety officer. The laboratory supervisor is responsible for formulating the action points based on the outcome of the assessment and coordinate the execution of all action points. Especially the latter is important since only the laboratory supervisor has the authority to make sure that everybody completes the action points assigned to him/her.Download  Moi University Biosafety Checklist

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The IBC’s primary objective is to safeguard protection of personnel, the general public, and the environment. To meet this goal, the IBC imposes requirements for safe laboratory and biological safety practices; reviews and approves policies, procedures, training, programs and facilities pursuant to the safe use of biological agents, other biological materials, and toxins.

Biosafety level designations are based on a composite of the design features, construction, containment facilities, equipment, practices and operational procedures required for working with agents from various RISK GROUPS (Level 1 – 4).

Therefore, for the committee to achieve its goals for safe laboratory and biological safety practices; and approved policies, producers, training, programs and facilities pursuant to safe use of biological agents/microorganisms and hazardous chemical etc; the committee needs to audit all the colleges/schools/departments including University clinics using the below check list;

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